Community Self Advocacy Training Support
Children, youth, and their families can get help to understand developmental, medical, mental health, and / or substance use needs. Get help with, or prevent, any difficulties when talking part in community activities. Children and youth, or caregivers and other advocates, can get their own self-advocacy training.
Prevocational Services:
Youth aged and older can learn skills to help get ready for paid work, or volunteer work that matches their interests. Skills can include communicating with supervisors, coworkers, and customers; workplace problem solving; career planning; and workplace safety. Assist in preparing resumes, enhancing interview skills, and completing school applications.
Supported Employment:
Youth aged and older who are ready for a job can get help to stay in a steady job that pays wages. Get ongoing support while getting a job and while working. Services can include but are not limited to: Help with finding job that matches your skills and interests; job coaching; benefits support; help with advancing your career.
Planned Respite:
Planned respite services provide short term relief for families/caregivers and support the child’s mental health, substance use and /or health care goals. Services are delivered at home, in the community, or in another allowable location.
Caregivers/ family Support Services (CFSS):
CFSS service enhance the child/youth’s ability, regardless of disability (developmental, physical and/ or behavioral), to function as part of a caregiver/family unit and enhance the caregiver/family’s ability to care for the child/youth in the home and /or community.
Serving Medically Fragile Population.